Come join us at Work Hours!

148 Georgetown Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15229

Mondays and Wednesdays, starting at 5:30 PM
Saturdays, starting at 9 AM

What happens during work hours?

All kinds of things. People from the community come together to take care of the farm. Depending on the time of year and the weather, that could mean planting, weeding, harvesting, cleaning, mowing, and so on. There might also be odd jobs moving things around, digging things, emptying things, fixing things, preparing things for upcoming work events.

Can I just show up?

Absolutely. No need to sign up ahead of time. If you want to join our mailing list or email us at and let us know you’re interested in work hours, you’ll get email updates - usually the day of the work hours - with details about what kind of work might be going on that day and how the weather might impact things.

What do I need to bring?

Dress appropriately for the weather and prepped to get dirty. Sunscreen, closed-toed shoes, hats, water bottles, and work gloves are encouraged. Beyond that, there’s no need to bring any tools or materials.

What if I don’t have a green thumb?

That’s OK. There are plenty of jobs that don’t require a green thumb or knowing anything about plants. We also have many members of our community that have green thumbs and are eager to teach others.

Is there a bathroom on site? Running water?

There is no bathroom onsite yet. There is running water via a hose outside that can be used to rinse off hands and fill water bottles.

Is there parking?

On-street parking is available. It is a residential area, so please be conscious of and courteous to our neighbors. For working hours and events, if you are able to do so, please park further away on streets like Lehigh Avenue or Fordham Avenue so that the parking spaces closer to the farm can be used by those who need them.